Tuesday, February 7, 2012

my girls

Hello everyone! I’m back! And I promise this blog will be a lot less depressing than the last one I wrote…it will actually be one of the happiest! I want to take a moment and talk about three of my best friends in the whole world.  And yes I realize that I’m leaving out quite a few people but I just want to highlight three of them. So no hard feelings J

Caroline Caldwell
            I have known Caroline since before we were born. I know that this probably doesn’t make any sense but it totally does. You see, our grandparents (my dad’s parents and her dad’s parents) were best friends, our parents were best friends, and now we are best friends! We like to call ourselves “The Legacy.” And yes, I capitalized it. That’s how awesome it is.
            Caroline and I have so many fun memories from when we were younger. One specific memory is probably the best and funniest, but I can’t go into further detail…it is still a sore subject for the parties involved J Anyway, Caroline and I danced, cheered, and swam together all throughout high school. There isn’t a single moment that I don’t miss. We have had so much fun together and sometimes I would KILL to go back in time and experience them again. Cheerleading states. Enough said. Expect this time, we wouldn’t get screwed over by those stupid judges. 
            She has been such a huge part of my life and I know she will continue to be in the future. We have grown so much in our friendship. Caroline is such a woman of God and she has taught me so many things about myself whether she knows it or not. Caroline is one of the more encouraging women I know. She knows everything there is to know about me. All those little weird things we all have, yeppp she knows them all. If something big, small, happy, or sad happens, she is one of the first people I want to tell or go to for comfort. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better friend. Here is a link to her blog!

Jenny Lanzara.
            Jenny and I go back to around the 6th grade in science class. We got yelled at for ‘playing beauty salon’ because we were braiding out hair….I know exactly what you are thinking, uhh how ridiculous!? My thoughts exactly. Jenny has been apart of my life through thick and thin. This is one girl I can ALWAYS count on. I called her at midnight crying one night back in high school and she came over in the blink of an eye. I feel like every outrageous thing I have ever done, jenny has been there right next to me. Dance central. Enough said.
            I really couldn’t imagine my life without this girl. She drives up to Harrisonburg all the time to visit and we always have a blast! This past weekend she came to visit and we literally didn’t do anything but it was so much fun. We watched TV, read The Hunger Games (BEST BOOKS EVER), and baked delicious cookies. We have discovered that every time she has come to visit, there has been some kind of winter weather. It’s wonderful and kind of bad at the same time but we love it! It could only get better if she went to school here ;)
          Jenny and I have been there for each other through so much. When one of us is going through something tough, we are always there for each other. There have been several times when I have been at a low point in my life and she has been there to pick me up. Even though we aren't the best with sharing our feelings but after every long break from school, we both end up hugging and in tears. I think that speaks for itself when it comes to our friendship. Here is a link to her blog!

Megan Brooks
            Where do I even being with Megan?! For those of you who don’t know, Megan was my roommate freshman year! She was legit a gift from God. I remember being so stressed looking for a roommate on the JMU class of 2014 facebook group looking for a potential roommate. I felt like everyone on the page was not the kind of roommate I was looking for. I was about to just go with a random roommate when I got a Facebook message out of the blue from…Megan! It was like we dated or something for a few days before we decided to live together! haha it was such an awkward period but once it was over, things were great!
            Megan and I have only known each other for 2ish years but she is one of those friends that I feel like I have know my entire life. We did so many goofy ‘freshman’ things last year and I wouldn’t take them back for anything. I remember one of the first weeks of class, we were doing something that was probably embarrassing (even thought we weren’t) and some guy passed us and said ‘pshh freshmen!’ it was so funny and so ridiculous! We just laughed all the way back to our dorm and we still laugh about it today!
            Living with someone really tests a relationship in a good way and a bad way. Megan and I really never had any fights and rarely got on each other’s nerves! We were for real a perfect match to share one of those tiny dorm rooms!
            She is another girlfriend who knows everything about me. She is my go to girl for everything! Megan is a girl who always knows what to say no matter what the situation is. If I am in a spiritual low, she knows just what to say to encourage me and get me out of my hole. She is going to be one of my housemates next year and I cannot wait!

I have the greatest friends in the entire world. They are such women of the Lord and I cant’ even tell you how thankful I am for them. Without them, I don’t know where I would be.  I love you girls so much :)


  1. LITERALLY kicking myself in the face right now over how much I love this post. I LOVE YOU SARR! You are such a blessing to me, you have no idea. Legacy forever :) (& Texas forever...)

  2. YAY!! I'm so excited to read a HAPPY post from my sweet baby :) Yo mama loves you!!

    1. And btw, your girls ARE the bomb. Chaz, JeNay & Megatron - y'all come and I'll fix mac & cheese :)

  3. um crying. could not have said it better myself. love you guys way too much for words...
